Industrial Athlete engagement is key for a successful program. Building up a best-in-class hardware station sets the tone for Athletes by demonstrating the importance of the program. Additionally, following the below guidelines will ensure your Dock set-up provides a clean, quick, and well-executed check-in/out process.
TV Screen
Install 1 TV Screen for every 6 Docks.
Screens can be mounted to wall or TV stand for flexibility.
StrongArm offers digital content to support your program.
Screens can also be used for leaderboards.
Overhead cover is highly recommended to limit dust and debris.
Engagement Collateral
StrongArm offers a range of collateral to help with training and awareness.
English and Spanish versions are available.
Suggested Depth: 24”
Suggested Width: 60"
Suggested Height: 30" - 36"
Distance Between Docks
5" between Docks
Ensure Docks will not move on the surface.
Power Outlets
Outlet height - 42” AFF (Above Finished Floor)
Use ties and clips for secure and clean cable management.
The SafeWork Station should be in a central - well-lit location near where athletes start their shifts to ensure ease of use / checkout.
The SafeWork Station should be in a large and open area in the facility.
Keep enough space between the wall and dock to easily access the back of the dock.
Avoid clutter at your SafeWork Stations. Tables should be tailored to check-out/in with only docks, scanners and required cords.
Don't use cabinets or stack vertically. Make sure the station isn’t too high or too low. The station should be in a linear set-up to enable the fastest checkout process.
Don’t place the station too far away from where athletes start their days, ensure the athletes can easily view tablets.
Avoid placing docks in extremely hot or cold environments (e.g. within freezer areas). If docks must be located in extreme temperatures - avoid using metal tables.